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The list of Massage health Benefits just keeps growing

The health and wellness benefits that massage offers are more abundant than once thought. Emerging research points to a growing list of advantages that are much larger than simple anxiety, tension, and pain relief.

People who get massage regularly have lower cortisol levels in their saliva. Cortisol is a stress hormone that has been linked to lower immune functions. Cortisol kills off cells that are needed for a healthy immune system. Lowering the amount of cortisol can increase the bodies ability to attack foreign invaders. It also lowers stress and anxiety levels. It has even been shown to help lose weight and helps keeps it at a healthy level.

Studies have also show that regular massages help with hypertension, anxiety. 

Tons of studies have shown that massage helps in the reduction and mangagement of pain. It has been shown to help muscle, nerve and even joint pain. This is believed to be  done through increasing circulation to the soft tissue. Enhanced circulation leads to better skin tone through the delivery of vital oxygen and nutrients.

Massage is believed to help the body eliminate its natural waste products. This is why most massage therapist encourages the intake of water after a massage. Always check with your Doctor – Even beneficial things can be harmful. (Examples: someone with high blood pressure could have a heart attack or stroke after drinking a lot of water, someone with heart problems could have a heart attack as a result of exercising.) So be smart and always check with your Doctor.


Massage has been shown to reduce headaches, reduce back pain, joint pain, muscle pain, nerve pain, help with TMJ, thoracic outlet, carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, whiplash, shoulder pain.

Written by Pete Spairring L.M.P



Massage Therapy
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